The Mad Hatter: 'Twas brillig/and the slithy toves/did gyre and gimbel in the wabe/all mimsy were the borogoves/and the mome raths outgrabe.
看了電影,對這段文字產生興趣。怎麽那麽多我不明白的字?!原來這是"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"的作者Lewis Carroll寫的"one of the greatest nonsense poems"。no wonder...... =.="
Brillig — Four o'clock in the afternoon: the time when you begin broiling things for dinner.
Slithy — Combination of "slimy" and "lithe." The i is long, as in writhe.
Tove — A combination of a badger, a lizard, and a corkscrew. They are very curious looking creatures which make their nests under sundials and eat only cheese. Pronounced so as to rhyme with groves. Note that "gyre and gimble," i.e. rotate and bore, is in reference to the toves being partly corkscrew by Humpty Dumpty's definitions.
Gyre — To go round and round like a gyroscope. However, Carroll also wrote in Mischmasch that it meant to scratch like a dog. The g is pronounced like the /g/ in gold, not like gem.
Gimble — To make holes as does a gimlet.
Wabe' — The grass plot around a sundial. It is called a "wabe" because it goes a long way before it, and a long way behind it, and a long way beyond it on each side.
Mimsy — Combination of "miserable" and "flimsy".
Borogove — A thin shabby-looking bird with its feathers sticking out all round, "something like a live mop". The initial syllable of borogove is pronounced as in borrow rather than as in worry.
Mome — Possibly short for "from home," meaning that the raths had lost their way.
Rath — A sort of green pig.
Outgrabe (past tense; present tense outgribe) — Something between bellowing and whistling, with a kind of sneeze in the middle.source: wikipedia


"To be honest, he could have asked me to play Alice and I would have said yes. I would have done whatever character he wanted."- Johnny Depp, re: Tim Burton and Alice in Wonderland
這個。。。真的要說。。。。WTF?! XD
恕在下才疏學淺,看了著譯還是不明白…… =.=
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